My journey

I worked and lived in international and multicultural environments all my personal and professional life. I was born in Tunisia to a mixed couple. When I turned 5, we moved to Prague where I spent the rest of my childhood. That is when I became an expat for the first time in my life.

At the age of eighteen, I went to live in Lausanne. While there, I gave a try at engineering studies. In short, I was not meant to become an engineer. On the other hand, I learned a lot of valuable life lessons in those years.

After that, I settled down in Paris for a couple of years. That is where I got a Bachelor in History followed by a Masters’ in European studies.

After some short work experiences in event management, and the United Nations, I found my place in Brussels. Ten years later, with a full load of European Communication experience, I started my retraining into a coach and my career shift into learning and development.

In other words, since birth, I am immersed in a multicultural environment.


Logos certifications

Leading and Coaching Academy

In spring 2020, I finalised a two-step certified coaching programme of 28 days at the Leading and Coaching Academy. I am currently mentored and supervised by the academy in my coaching practice.


I am working on getting the Associated Certified Coach (ACC) level of the ICF certification. In the future, I am planning to pass the Professional Certified Coach (PCC) level.


In December 2019, I followed the leading and coaching across cultures seminar with Philippe Rosinski. At the end of the 3 days, I received my Cultural Orientations Framework (COF) certification in Intercultural coaching.

How can I help you?

If you have questions or want to know more about how coaching works, you can write me an email via the form or book your free introductory appointment.